Essential HTML tags

Let us have a detailed discussion on the essential tags  required to create web pages. The tags, their use, associated attributes and their values, and their appearance in the browser window will be illustrated in this section.

<HTML>-starting an HTML page

The entire HTML document is bounded by a pair of <HTML> and </ HTML> tags. The <HTML> tag identifies the document as an HTML document. In general <HTML> is always the first tag in an HTML  page and the</HTML> is the last tag. Everything else in the web page is in between these two tags. That is,the Head section and the body section lie inside the <HTML>and </HTML> tags. It is a container tag pair. The main attributes of the <HTML> tag are Dir and Lang.


The Dir attribute of <HTML> tag specifies the direction of the text to be displayed on the web page. This attribute can have values either Ltd (left-to-right) or rtl (right-to-left).By default, the value of this attribute is l t r. The value r t l  is used when languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese etc. are used for content presentation. For example, <HTML Dir= "rtl"> specifies that the document is to be read from right-to-left.


The Lang attribute of <HTML> tag specifies the language we have generally used within the document. The value "in" is used for English language and "it" is used to specify Italian language.

For example, the code <HTML Dir = "at" > specifies that the language used in the HTML document is Arabic language. Some common language codes used with lang attribute are given in Table

SL.No Code language 

<HEAD>-Creating head

It contains the head of an HTML document, which holds information about the document such as its title, scripts used, style definitions, etc. The tag pair <HEAD> and </HEAD>declares the head section. It is also a container tag pair <HEAD>and </HEAD> declares the head section. It is also a container tag pair.

<TITLE>-Creating a title  

It is a container tag pair that contains the title of the HTML document, which will appear in the web browser's title bar. The search engine uses the Title to identify the page. The tag pair<TITLE> and </TITLE> is used inside the tag pair <HEAD> and </HEAD> to mention the document title.

<BODY>-Creating a body

The body tag pair <BODY> and </BODY> specifies the document body section. This section contains the content to be displayed in the browser window. Hence, all other tags, which define the document content are given in the body section. Before discussing these tags, let us discuss various attribute of <BODY> tag.


This attribute sets an image as background for the documents body. This attribute of <BODY> tag makes the page more attractive. The general format is:

<BODY Background = "URL of the picture">
The HTML code given in example shows the sky as the background image of a web page.

The web page is displayed as showing in figure.


This attributes specifies a color for the background of the document body. For example , <BODY Bgcolor = "yellow" > will display the background in yellow color.

The value of Bgcolor attribute can be given in two ways. 
  • Color_name-specifies the background color with a colour name (like"red","grey" etc.)
  • Hex_number- specifies the background color with a hexadecimal code (like "#ff6080","#303030" etc.). Each hexadecimal code will be preceded with a hash sing#. 
The six digit number and letter combinations represent colours by given their RGB (Read,Green,Blue) value. Of the six digits represent the amount of red, the second two digits represent the amount of green, and the last digits represent the amount of blue as a hexadecimal value in the range00 - FF. For example, #000000 is black, #FF0000 is bright red, #00FF00 is bright green, and #FFFFFF is white (fully saturated with all the three colours). We can try various color combinations according to our choice of hex number.


This attribute specifies the color of the text content in the page. By default the browser displays  the text in black colour on a white/grey background. We have already discussed how to change the background colour using Bgcolor attribute. Simillarly the colour of the text can be changed using the attribute text. For example, <BODY Text ="yellow" > shows the text in yellow colour. Like Bgcolor, the value of text attribute can be given as a colour name or hexadecimal code. For example, Text = "Blue" or Text = "#00FFDD" etc.

Link,Alink and Vlink

A hyperlink is an element, a text or an image that we can click on, and jump into another document or another section of the same document. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document. We will discuss hyperlink in detail later in this chapter.

Link:  This attribute specifies the colour of the hyperlinks that are not visited  by
           the viewer. The default colour for link attribute is blue.

Alink: It specifies the colour of the active hyperlink. The link remains active only             for the moment the mouse is clicked on it. Hence at the time of selection  
            the colour  of the link will be changed to Alink value. The default  Alink
            colour is green.

Vlink: It specifies the colour of the hyperlink which is already visited by the
            viewer. the default colour for Vlink is purple.


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