
List in HTML

While presenting information, the facility of listing can make it more communicative. List are of different types. We are familiar with numbered lists and bulleted lists.  HTML offers several mechanisms for specifying lists of information. All lists must contains one or more list elements. There are three kinds of list in HTML- unordered lists, ordered lists and definition lists. Unordered list Unordered lists or bulleted lists display a bullet or other graphic in front of each item in the list. We can created an unordered list with the tag pair <UL> and </UL> . Each item in the list is presented by using the tag pair <LI> and </LI> . Unordered lists are used when a set of items can be placed in any order. The code in example presents some hardware components of a computer in bulleted list. The corresponding web page is showing in figure. We can customise unordered lists by setting the Type attribute to three diffrent values: Disc (default ...

Inserting image

Images always make content presentation more more attractive and communicate. Now versions of HTML come with many web development feature, but the code required for adding images is simple. HTML provides a tag <IMG> to insert images in HTML pages. The following is the simple way of using this tag: <IMG SRC = "picture1.jpg" > The <IMG> tag is an empty tag and it has many attributes. SRC is the main attribute and it specifies the file name of the image to be inserted. We can use JPEG, PNG or GIF image files based on our needs, but make sure that the correct filename with the extension is specified using SRC attribute. If the image file is not in the current working directory, we have to specify the path of the file or the URL where the file is available. Setting space for the image We can set the space in web page for the image by specifying the values for the Width and Height attributes. The value are given in terms of either pixels or percentage...

Some common tags

We have discussed the basic tags and their attributes needed for an HTML document. There are several other tags, with which web page contents can be made more attractive. Some of these tags are used for formating the text contents in the body section of the HTML document and therefore they are called formating tags. Now let us see some of them, which are essential for the layout of the body content. <H1>,<H2>,<H3>,<H4>,<H5>and<H6> - Heading tags A heading is a word,phrase, or sentence given at the beginning of a written passage that explains what it is about. Headings are typically displayed in a larger and / or bolder fonts than normal body texts. HTML has six levels of headings from <H1> to <H6> . Here <H1>creates the biggest text and <H6> the smallest. While displaying any heading, browser adds one line before and one line after that heading. The main attribute of this tag is Align and the possible values are, Left ...

Essential HTML tags

Let us have a detailed discussion on the essential tags  required to create web pages. The tags, their use, associated attributes and their values, and their appearance in the browser window will be illustrated in this section. <HTML>-starting an HTML page The entire HTML document is bounded by a pair of <HTML> and </ HTML> tags. The <HTML> tag identifies the document as an HTML document. In general <HTML> is always the first tag in an HTML  page and the</HTML> is the last tag. Everything else in the web page is in between these two tags. That is,the Head section and the body section lie inside the <HTML>and </HTML> tags. It is a container tag pair. The main attributes of the <HTML> tag are Dir and Lang. Dir The Dir attribute of <HTML> tag specifies the direction of the text to be displayed on the web page. This attribute can have values either Ltd (left-to-right) or rtl (right-to-left).By default, the val...

Basic concept of HTML documents

Basic structure of an HTML document Sample HTML document to illustrate the structure of a web page <HTML>       <HEAD>           <TITLE> This is the title of web page </TITLE>       </HEAD>       <BODY>            Hello, Welcome to the world of web page!       </BODY> </HTML> You can see some of the words in the upper case within a pair of angle brackets < and >. These are HTML tags. It is not necessary that tags be written in the upper case. HTML is not case sensitive. We can use either the upper or lower case or even a mix of the two. In this book, we follow the style of using the upper case for HTML tags and sentence case for attributes to distigush them from other words or text. All HTML pages begin with the tag <HTML>  and end with tag </HTML> . There are mainly two section...